Sunday, October 28, 2012

Much needed insight

    I had a great time at my local tournament champioinship.  I got lucky and slipped in and played to have fun.  I think I had the right idea as I had a blast playing some of my favorite opponents and getting familiar with 6th edition.  It took me a few games to get the cobwebs knocked out, but I got better as the day went on.  I won only one game, but the lessons I learned were well worth it.  I really like how my Grey Knights played.  So it's hard for me to decide which way to go as I get into 6th edition.  Eldar and Grey Knights were the armies I've aquired and I'm bouncing between them.  I think as a solution, I will play GK with Eldar allies.  They ally with them as easily as Space Wolves, so I'm pretty pumped for the prospect.

    Anyway, here's a quick synopsis of how my tournament went.

Round 1-Chaos Daemons
    Played a very tough opponent with 25 Screamers.  They were no joke, and when Fateweaver backed them up, it was game over for me.  I was tabled by the top of turn 4.  I went second, so that means it only took 3 turns(with the choice of his secondary wave) to crush me.  I was pretty discouraged to say the least.

Round 2-Chaos Daemons
    Played a friend of mine, so I was pretty thrilled however the game was going to go.  I faced Fateweaver, a Bloodthirster, and 3 daemon princes.  We played the Relic mission out of the BRB.  Logan drop podded in to take the relic right away.  Flamers came in, killing 4 grey knights, only to die to my massed fire.  Logan took a daemon prince in single combat in a few turns while Fateweaver attacked the flank of my forces.  A lone Grey Knight termy grounded him and Draigo took the oportunity to assault the greater daemon.  Logan finished the prince just in time to face a Bloodthirster in single combat.  He fought the fiend to a standstill in the first round, trading wounds.  With a ton of luck, Logan held the beast at bay.  After he fell, his few remaining Wolfguard terminators held it for a little longer.  It was all just enough to allow Draigo to finally banish the Fateweaver and snatch the relic with his Paladins.  So there the game stood....Draigo and his paladins surrounded by two Daemon Princes and a Bloodthirster.  In the 5th turn, the game continued.  The daemons assaulted, tying Draigo up in single combat with a Deamon Prince.  The Paladins managed to banish a wounded Nurgle Prince and lost two of their number to the rage of the Bloodthirster.  Once again, the game continued for a 7th turn!  Draigo fought on, and a lone Paladin with the relic faced the thirster.  Looking at 3 wounds causing instant death, the faith of Emperor saw him through it!  The game ended in an epic duel.

Round 3-Necron
    Another good game, to which I learned much tactically.  Mindshackle scarabs ended up taking both Logan and Draigo!  I got greedy and took all of the objectives rather than just playing to the scenario.  Without a consolidated force, my right flank was completely destroyed.  3 flyers came in and disgorged their deadly cargo.  Had I remained back, I would have hade one whole turn to try and deal with the reserves.  they came into the game late and it ended two turns after they did.  The Paladins did end up driving up the left side into the 'Cron territory and taking the objective.  They may have lost Draigo, but they took the Lord and Wraiths down with their force weapons.  3 of them remained to hold the objective in the face of nearly all of the Necron firepower for 2 turns.  The Apothecary was the last one left standing when the game ended.  This was the first game that I actually made a FNP save.  And it began a trend that my Paladins were usually the only unit I'd end games with.  Those guys are no joke, they bring it hard.

Round 4-Chaos Marines
    Still uding the old codex, I faced Abaddon and allied daemons.  I was surprised to see a Bloodthirster over Fateweaver...but in the end, it didn't matter.  Unaware the Despoilers daemon weapon was now AP2 instead of AP3, I dropped Logan right in his face for a showdown.  It ended about as expected.  Draigo was a little delayed with a failed assault, but he eventually made it there.  At the end of the game, I realized I should have been just playing to the mission,  I lost, but threw a hail-mary for a possible win.  Abaddon hid from Draigo, but the Paladins and their lord took an objective instead or chasing after him.  A few Knights assaulted, consolidated, and contested another objective.  Plaguebearers missed a deepstrike for their objective.  But it was the lash prince who foiled my plans by pulling Draigo and company out of scoring at the last moment.  The big lesson here was that no matter what happens, I must play to the mission.  I made a mistake by dropping Logan after Abaddon.  They smoked two Obliterators with combi-meltas, but it was not worth it.  Taking an objective would have been the best choice for them.

    Overall, I learned a lot about being competative in 6th.  I need to play the mission, rather than kill my opponent's army.  And I have to consolidate my force to allow them to support one another.  I Threw away Logan in every game, one of which actually worked.  Now, I look forward to putting together a few more Eldar models before I play any games.  This is going to be fun.....

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Okay, breaktime over

    It's been a long two months since I've done anything with 40K.  I don't really have a proper hobby area so it's been difficult to keep enthusiasm up.  And it seemed the only games I got to play were tournaments.  Either way, it wasn't fun, and I don't spend time on hobbies that aren't fun.  Although I have been playing a lot of Space Hulk in my off-time.

    Adepticon 2013 approaches.  Very shortly I will be signing up for classes and tournaments.  The Rider's on the Storm shall, well, ride again.  Which means prep work for the team tourney will begin soon.  We've got a theme from last year we are continueing with, so all we have to do is hammer out the detail.  I will also be involved with the Gladiator is seems.  It's a bit vague now, but it'll be fun.  Adepticon has a new format.  and with what I'm already dedicated to, I've only got Thursday free it seems.  I hope to get some master painting classes and pretty much nothing else.  Maybe green-stuff.  No tactics though.  6th edition is too new and I don't believe I will learn anything I won't find out in the next year anyway.

    As it turns out, I am able to play in the local 40K invite-only championship.  It seems the two games of the series I played in were enough to get me a good place....that and about 10 people couldn't show up.  So yay me!  With a week and a half to prepar, I cannot take this seriously.  That being said I am bringing terminators.  Grey Knight with Space Wolf allies.  They won't even be fully painted.  3 color minimum, but nowhere near being done.  I may post pics when I finish them eventually...  Anyway, here's the army list I'm bringing.  I'm curious to see if I get complaints about it's format.

    Well, back to work for now I guess...