Monday, July 22, 2013

How time flies

I can't believe it's been three weeks. The time has just flown by. Warmachine work had slowed down a bit, but I'm getting back into the swing of painting stuff again. I've managed to play a game, listen to a ton of podcasts, and get a much better idea of what the game is.

My game didn't really finish. It was a learning affair with what models I actually own. What lesson I took from it was to play much a more aggressively. The man o war did well, but their speed needs to be handled. I'm thinking of just running them first turn and getting an ironfang kovnik. He'll give them +2 speed when they shieldwall. So they'll move 14 inches in two turns with a run. The widowmakers did fine. I used the marksman's swift hunter ability to move them after each kill. It will be very valuable to keep them moving while remaining stationary to hit high defense targets. The Butcher did great with iron flesh and fury. And I was happy to see eCaine have trouble with my high armor and health. The best unit had to be the Destroyer. It landed a bombard round on Boomhowler's head and eliminated him. Then it beat down Ol' Rowdy in melee.

I had the chance to assemble one of my berserkers and get some base colors painted. Sadly, the week I was working on it, three separate podcasts mentioned how terrible they were. Yeah, they're one point cheaper than a juggernaut, but not nearly as good. I plan to sacrifice them though. They won't need any focus to just let go and head straight for the enemies front line. My widowmakers are almost finished, just need some basing. And I have decided on a basing technique for now. I'm going with earth-tones. I just find black to be too boring. Actually, the only black I have painted on models is hair...on one guy... Otherwise I use the panzer ace color "dark rubber" with a nuln oil shade.

As for future plans... I want to get pVlad, some Greylord outriders, winterguard mortars, and that ironfang kovnik. There are also half a dozen loose ends I want as well. But I plan to eventually get every model Khador has to offer. For now, I'll stick with utilitarian units and try to build good, competitive lists. Once I have the models, then I can play more games and try to get tournament experience.

The dates for adepticon have been released, and I'd like to play in Warmachine events. I've already booked my own hotel. So far I've got one guy staying with me. There will be room for four, I just need to find others who want to make the trip. Well, I don't NEED to, I just want to save some money on the room.

Monday, July 1, 2013

A steady pace.

I've managed to keep up hobby work at a steady pace. I have just finished the boomhowlers and squire. Reinholdt and another man-o-war are halfway done. I think I'll do the shocktroopers one at a time, so I can at least play with 3 when they're done. I have also added some ballast to the bases of what Khador I have painted. Not 100% sure what they will look like, but more than likely a temperate forrest with some snow clumps. I think I'll trim the bases with brown though. Two shades to identify the back and front arc. Assembly-wise, I've got some gun mages and widowmakers to put together and paint next. I was worried about greenstuffing bandanas on the smaller models....but I think I found a way to cheat. I'm going to apply a few layers of liquid greenstuff. Folds and wrinkles in the fabric will be detailed by the paint I put on them.

I have picked up a copy of the rulebook finally. I have also managed to get the Khador force book, Khador tokens, and some card sleeves. I have some red adepticon 2012 dice and dry erase markers to use as well. Now I just need to get some objective and wrecked warjack markers. I wonder if I should make a generic destroyed warjack and cast it... Going through my bitz has turned up a few scraps that can be used for terrain as well. Some low walls and building corners will add to the GW forrest and large hill I have. I'll need a battle mat too once I begin to focus on terrain.

I'm having fun getting everything together for Warmachine. I have managed to sell some painted stuff and trade 40K models for Warmachine. I should have some Skorne on the way to add to the Legion battle box I got from adepticon. If this pace keeps up, I'll need more Khador models within a month. But for now, I'm happy with a small force. I need to finish reading the rules and play some friendly learner games. I'm eager to actually play.

I have found a few things that I don't really enjoy about Warmachine though... The plastic models aren't that good. They are not worth their price. 85$ for ironfang pikemen is out of line. And the rulebook intro is full of adolescent machismo. "Play like you have a pair." is sexist. I like the message, but not how it's delivered. I feel the whole outlook and way the game is presented overlooks the hobby aspect. I'll give the game some time before I weigh-in on the painting. I want to give Warmachine the benefit of the doubt.