Long story short, I get far too many hobby ideas and cannot (or will not) budget my hobby time to complete many of them. I have played 40K for about 12 years, starting with generic Space Marines. After a few years I moved on to Chaos Marines because most of the gamers in my circle playe "good guy" armies. Someone has to play the bad guys...and Chaos is pretty bad ass. When the 4th edition Chaos codex came out I switched to Necron. They seemed the ultimate adversary and I really got into the eldritch horror aspect of their backstory. As a fan of H.P. Lovecraft, they fit pretty well with my play style. A few years ago I built 1,000pts of Space Wolves for the Adepticon team tourney. Since my 'Crons were all painted, and I'm a thrifty gamer, I put together another 850pts of Wolves for another tournament army. With the changes in the new Necron codex, I went with the Wolves full time. The theme of the army kinda changed, not for the worse, but it was different than what I wanted.
So wolves full time now! I like the army, but I miss having something different. And after playing them for a few years, I felt like I needed something new. Something completely different was needed, so I could explore another facete of 40K through the hobby and gaming aspects. Thus, I traded and made some smart purchases for a bunch of Eldar. This blog is an attempt to keep me on track with the very large task of having a themed Eldar Corsair army ready for Adepticon 2013....
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