Ten skyclaws with a power axe and mark of the wulfen upgrade. There are still some bitz and bobs that I plan to add to give them more Space Wolf pizzaz. The majority of the models are still vanilla assault marines, but a few details and a good coat of paint and it won't matter. The mark of the wulfen skyclaw is still pretty bare. I really need to set him apart.
The Wolfpriest will also be equiped with runic armor for a 2+ save, plasma pistol, and probably a wolftail talisman. His purpose is to protect the unit and help them come to grips with the enemy. An excellent save combined with a 2+ "lookout sir" means about 35 regular wounds should be turned aside. 6+ deny the witch AND a 5+ talisman save gives them a descent ammount of anti-psycher protection. The only way they could be better is if I added a runepriest and battle leader/wolflord. But the cost would make them too inefficient.
Coming in at about 430 points total, they will be used as another hammer unit. My hope it that the drop pod terminators will take some heat off of them for the first turn. With the new transport rules, I think these guys will get an assault much faster than any other unit in my army. The plasma pistols on the characters should really help eliminate those pesky power weapons with precise shots. And two marks of the wulfen can put a huge hurt on any unit. Prefered enemy infantry and fearless will go a long way in helping the 3 WS and BS of the claws. I am looking forward to running these guys. As of yet I have never seen skyclaws on the table. People say they use them, but not in tournaments it seems.
6th edition is already looking pretty exciting. My next Space Wolf project?....objective markers. Now with hidden values, a little work has to be put in to create six unique markers with hidden point costs. Here's a hint...there will be magnets used.
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