Monday, May 6, 2013

Terminators built

I've had some good progress on my Grey knights and a project for a friend. I'm touching up and re-basing a counts-as Deathwing army and squeezing in some work on my own. The entire Grey Knight force I'm putting together is composed of repurposed models from armies I've purchased from people. So far 20 terminators are ready for paint. Next is 10 strike marines, an inquisitor, and a dreadknight. As it turns out, the bits I got for the inquisitor was one of the last orders from Spikey Bits before they had to stop with the bits trade. The dreadknight is going to be the most work out of all the units. I am completely re-posing the model to lunge forward and for it's heavy incinerator. Every joint is getting cut and moved. The pilot will be the biggest challenge. I won't be able to mount his legs to the legs of the dreadknight in the same way. I think this is why the model is notorious for it's single pose. The legs just don't work with how it's designed.

The problem I'm having with my inquisitor is the wargear load out. My hope was that the daemon blade, combined with warlord traits, and psychic powers would lend versatility between games. Sadly, any mastery levels added by the daemon blade won't lend any more powers. So potentially an inquisitor with two blades can become a level 3 psycher....who only has one power... Not that useful. I still plan to go with power armor, daemon blade, and mastery level 1. Only one power, but the versatility is still there to some extent. Probably the most enticing is the model only costs 78 points. Once I get more models ready for paint, I'll finalize my list and how I'm going to use it.

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