Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Okay, breaktime over

    It's been a long two months since I've done anything with 40K.  I don't really have a proper hobby area so it's been difficult to keep enthusiasm up.  And it seemed the only games I got to play were tournaments.  Either way, it wasn't fun, and I don't spend time on hobbies that aren't fun.  Although I have been playing a lot of Space Hulk in my off-time.

    Adepticon 2013 approaches.  Very shortly I will be signing up for classes and tournaments.  The Rider's on the Storm shall, well, ride again.  Which means prep work for the team tourney will begin soon.  We've got a theme from last year we are continueing with, so all we have to do is hammer out the detail.  I will also be involved with the Gladiator is seems.  It's a bit vague now, but it'll be fun.  Adepticon has a new format.  and with what I'm already dedicated to, I've only got Thursday free it seems.  I hope to get some master painting classes and pretty much nothing else.  Maybe green-stuff.  No tactics though.  6th edition is too new and I don't believe I will learn anything I won't find out in the next year anyway.

    As it turns out, I am able to play in the local 40K invite-only championship.  It seems the two games of the series I played in were enough to get me a good place....that and about 10 people couldn't show up.  So yay me!  With a week and a half to prepar, I cannot take this seriously.  That being said I am bringing terminators.  Grey Knight with Space Wolf allies.  They won't even be fully painted.  3 color minimum, but nowhere near being done.  I may post pics when I finish them eventually...  Anyway, here's the army list I'm bringing.  I'm curious to see if I get complaints about it's format.

    Well, back to work for now I guess...

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