Monday, July 22, 2013

How time flies

I can't believe it's been three weeks. The time has just flown by. Warmachine work had slowed down a bit, but I'm getting back into the swing of painting stuff again. I've managed to play a game, listen to a ton of podcasts, and get a much better idea of what the game is.

My game didn't really finish. It was a learning affair with what models I actually own. What lesson I took from it was to play much a more aggressively. The man o war did well, but their speed needs to be handled. I'm thinking of just running them first turn and getting an ironfang kovnik. He'll give them +2 speed when they shieldwall. So they'll move 14 inches in two turns with a run. The widowmakers did fine. I used the marksman's swift hunter ability to move them after each kill. It will be very valuable to keep them moving while remaining stationary to hit high defense targets. The Butcher did great with iron flesh and fury. And I was happy to see eCaine have trouble with my high armor and health. The best unit had to be the Destroyer. It landed a bombard round on Boomhowler's head and eliminated him. Then it beat down Ol' Rowdy in melee.

I had the chance to assemble one of my berserkers and get some base colors painted. Sadly, the week I was working on it, three separate podcasts mentioned how terrible they were. Yeah, they're one point cheaper than a juggernaut, but not nearly as good. I plan to sacrifice them though. They won't need any focus to just let go and head straight for the enemies front line. My widowmakers are almost finished, just need some basing. And I have decided on a basing technique for now. I'm going with earth-tones. I just find black to be too boring. Actually, the only black I have painted on models is hair...on one guy... Otherwise I use the panzer ace color "dark rubber" with a nuln oil shade.

As for future plans... I want to get pVlad, some Greylord outriders, winterguard mortars, and that ironfang kovnik. There are also half a dozen loose ends I want as well. But I plan to eventually get every model Khador has to offer. For now, I'll stick with utilitarian units and try to build good, competitive lists. Once I have the models, then I can play more games and try to get tournament experience.

The dates for adepticon have been released, and I'd like to play in Warmachine events. I've already booked my own hotel. So far I've got one guy staying with me. There will be room for four, I just need to find others who want to make the trip. Well, I don't NEED to, I just want to save some money on the room.

Monday, July 1, 2013

A steady pace.

I've managed to keep up hobby work at a steady pace. I have just finished the boomhowlers and squire. Reinholdt and another man-o-war are halfway done. I think I'll do the shocktroopers one at a time, so I can at least play with 3 when they're done. I have also added some ballast to the bases of what Khador I have painted. Not 100% sure what they will look like, but more than likely a temperate forrest with some snow clumps. I think I'll trim the bases with brown though. Two shades to identify the back and front arc. Assembly-wise, I've got some gun mages and widowmakers to put together and paint next. I was worried about greenstuffing bandanas on the smaller models....but I think I found a way to cheat. I'm going to apply a few layers of liquid greenstuff. Folds and wrinkles in the fabric will be detailed by the paint I put on them.

I have picked up a copy of the rulebook finally. I have also managed to get the Khador force book, Khador tokens, and some card sleeves. I have some red adepticon 2012 dice and dry erase markers to use as well. Now I just need to get some objective and wrecked warjack markers. I wonder if I should make a generic destroyed warjack and cast it... Going through my bitz has turned up a few scraps that can be used for terrain as well. Some low walls and building corners will add to the GW forrest and large hill I have. I'll need a battle mat too once I begin to focus on terrain.

I'm having fun getting everything together for Warmachine. I have managed to sell some painted stuff and trade 40K models for Warmachine. I should have some Skorne on the way to add to the Legion battle box I got from adepticon. If this pace keeps up, I'll need more Khador models within a month. But for now, I'm happy with a small force. I need to finish reading the rules and play some friendly learner games. I'm eager to actually play.

I have found a few things that I don't really enjoy about Warmachine though... The plastic models aren't that good. They are not worth their price. 85$ for ironfang pikemen is out of line. And the rulebook intro is full of adolescent machismo. "Play like you have a pair." is sexist. I like the message, but not how it's delivered. I feel the whole outlook and way the game is presented overlooks the hobby aspect. I'll give the game some time before I weigh-in on the painting. I want to give Warmachine the benefit of the doubt.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

40K break

I've taken a break from the last two 40K projects I have to complete for a few weeks. Painting Warmachine has been a great relief. I'm actually spending hours once again at the paint desk. And it doesn't feel like a chore anymore. I can't wait to get the last few 40K things done and out of the way. So far I have put up and will probably sell all of my painted Space Wolves. The only painted things I kept were Bjorn and any model in terminator armor. I'll still be able to field a Logan-wing if I want to...but it's unlikely to happen anytime in the near future. I've gotten a few Khador models painted and some work done on the Cygnar army for a friend. There are still a few units I want to pick up for my 50 point list. And I need to get a rulebook. Hopefully this weekend I can pick one up from a local game store. I plan to stop by on Saturday to check out a tournament that is going on. I have been listening to podcasts and reading, but I want to see the game played in person. A great number of the guys I play WFRP with are starting Warmachine, so I'm sure we'll all be playing pretty soon. It'll be nice to learn the system with people who should be at the same skill level.

With any luck I'll be done with 40K projects and focused solely on Warmachine by next post.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A few changes

The 5 days off I had were going to be an amazing amount of free time to get some models built and painted for my Grey Knights. Day one, I assembled three multi-melta servitors and three plasma gun warriors. And that's it. I began looking into the new Eldar and started to become more than a little disappointed. Eldar were my other choice for 6th edition. I figured they'd get a new codex near the end of the year. So rather than build an army and have it change when I was done, I went with GK. Shortly after investing a good sum of money into my GK...the Eldar codex comes out. An Iyanden supplement also comes out with exactly what I've always wanted...a wraith guard army and new models. Had I only known, I would have saved my money and spent it on Eldar. Sadly, the codex and Iyanden book are a bit expensive. By this time I'm getting a little disappointed in how terrible my GK are going to be. In order to play a fun list, I have to lose nearly every game. That's no fun. So I decide to make a change.

I received a Khador battle groups box for Warmachine at adepticon a few years ago. Now, I had played Warmachine when it first came out. I played Rhulic mercenaries, although I wanted to play Khador...but someone else was playing them. I've been seeing many of the models for Circle of Orboros over the last month and loved how they look. If I can find some people to play, or a good community, then maybe Warmachine is a better wargame for me. As it turns out, a few of the guys in my roleplaying group actually play. So I painted my two Khador warjacks and order most of what I need. In a short period of time I will have all the units I want to begin playing and have friends who play. This is probably one of the final steps to finally finding a place in the Madison area after I moved 3 years ago. It looks like 40K doesn't really fit with my lifestyle or circle of friends anymore. I'll never be able to get rid of all my 40K stuff, but I don't really want to. My goal right now is to liquidate much of it and finish the few painting projects I have going on right now.

As for the future, Warmachine will most likely be my main hobby. Which means I'm still going to adepticon every year, and there will still be plenty of tournaments to play. But for 40K, the game is just too out of line on several fronts for me. I don't feel like I'm getting my money's worth.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Yeah, dreadknight!

I got a lot done on my dreadknight this week. I've just got to get some hands and a few minor touches before I finally paint it. Still picking at the 5 GK termies that I've been painting as well. Building henchmen, and questioning my choice of grey knights over Eldar with the codex release. One of my goals was to become a better player, and to place better at local tournaments. I have to constantly remind myself that Grey Knights still have the tools to get the job done. It's just going to take me a bit to figure them out. I need to play more...a lot more.

As new codexes arise, I am painfully aware of the threats they bring. The Tau will out shoot me, and the Eldar have a ton of psychic buffs and frightening shruriken weapons. The possibility of bladestorm giving AP2 can ruin my terminator core of troops. There are also the flyer lists, the pure assault lists, and blob squads to contend with. Finding something to handle all of these elements means that I have to keep an open mind. I may have to drop more beloved terminators from my list. And I know I will have to build more henchmen. As it stands, I am bringing back the servitor idea. As a replacement for the dreadnought, I'll playtest a dedicated unit for Coteaz. 3 multi-melta servitors, a Jokaero, and 7 warriors with 3 plasma and 4 bolters cost the same as the dreadnought. The unit will be scoring, and they will be a place for Coteaz to fit into. Otherwise, the guy really doesn't have a dedicated place. The crutch is that mind lock will limit their ability without him.

I am also entertaining the idea of adding purifiers. I'd have to drop the psycannon termies though. And probably cut back on the points I have spent on the landraider crusader. I enjoyed playing Necron when they were underpowered and old. So I believe I can enjoy GK, especially with allies. What really bugs me is that the army will still be called "cheesy". When I first played Space Wolves they were called "cheese-wolves". It pissed me off. True, I had thunderwolves. But I spent a lot of time and money on the models and they were a fun project. I also used expensive characters and didn't spam any units. The same guy played a Draigo wing against me the next month. The point is that in tournament play, there is no place for complaining like that. You can lament about missed opportunities because of mistakes or in-lucky dice. But to assume that people aren't going to try everything within the rules to win is absurd. If I wasn't afraid of losing sportsmanship points, I'd bring this topic up to opponents at tournaments. But even when friendly and logical, people don't like to be told that their view is biased. Either way, I'm in it with Grey Knights, and I will show no mercy on the tabletop...not I just have to start playing and winning.

On a side-note. I've got a 2-day work week then 5 days off. I'll be spending the time with my daughter, but she lets me hobby much of the day. I'm looking forward to getting a lot of work done.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Busy hobby holiday weekend

Well I had the chance to playtest my list the first day of my 3 day weekend. I played down to 1650, but only dropped the strike squad. I lost horribly to Eldar/DE. Reserves came in late and piecemeal, and I'm not sure how well I played to the mission. At first I thought about completely scrapping the list and starting over. But these are the growing pains I have to expect. So I have made a few changes, still keeping within the general terminator theme. Here's an updated list.

-Coteaz....because I need him to play competitively. I have a fine cast model already painted, so it's not a big deal. The other inquisitor I made may make an appearance in big games though.

-10 terminators, same incinerators
-10 terminators, same psycannons
-6 warrior acolytes with bolters in a psybolt razorback. They are cheap and I had the models nearly built for the unit anyway.

Fast attack
-same storm raven

Heavy Support
-same dreadknight
-same Crusader but now with a multi melta. This thing is costly, but I believe it can and will be hard to kill.
-psybolt dreadnought with autocannons. I was originally going to use gun servitors...but realized that I can only have 3 with guns. So they were scrapped for this guy.

I think this list is better, although I did spend a few days getting bitz ready to make 10 gun servitors only to realize I can only have 3. I need today with it before I make more changes. I think I need more henchmen or some purifiers. Maybe the psycannon termies will have to go. On the bright side, I won't have to convert 10 servitors...sadly I have some multi meltas coming in from eBay that I won't need.

I spent Sunday playing Talisman Prologue on the iPad. It's pretty addictive and makes me want to actually try the board game. Monday I was able to get a game of WFRP2nd edition. Just continuing the campaign. I had to rush at the last minute to get things prepared. We made the plans on Saturday, so I had a little time to read over the first campaign adventure and flesh out some subplot stuff. The game went great once again. It's not a challenge at all to GM. Everyone just works together great, like we've known each other longer than the 4 times now we've played. So overall, it was a GW weekend.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Ready to playtest

I've gotten some good progress this week on my GK. I've put the legs on the dreadknight and assembled most of the inquisitor. Everything is good enough to playtest on the tabletop in friendly games. I just need to find some time to actually do that. I even put paint to one of my termy justicars. I wasn't even thinking about it, I just picked up some new paints and started working on it. I tested out a value scale with the grey paints I had chosen. It helped a lot with choosing the exact colors. I'm happy so far, even though the armor is drybrushed. I usually stay away from large amounts of drybrushing, but I think these guys will need it.

I've also shuffled around the list. The dakka stormraven has been dropped for a land raider crusader. I figure I can put the inquisitor with a combat squad of terminators in it. Keeping with the all-comers theme, I figured it wild he more balanced that way. The raider is also a big target that opponents may not have an answer to. The profile is also big enough to hide units behind it. Combine that with possible 2nd turn assault and I may have a beta strike strategy on my hands provided all of my reserves come in.

So my plan is to pick my targets right away. So 2nd turn the storm raven can come in and take out a target, the incinerators drop down to cause havoc in the enemies back lines, the raider brings it's contents into assault, and the two units on foot provide support fire to whichever unit needs it. I don't want to be reactive, but proactive. If I focus on the mission and disrupting my opponent, then I may just win the game through determination and strategy rather than a better army list. Jack up a player's flow and see if they fall apart. I should also begin to define the dual roles of each unit. That way I make sure they are always persuing their goals and not wasting time being indecisive.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Away for the weekend.

I didn't get much done this weekend. I was out of town for family stuff. I did manage to get a few hours of hobby each night of the week though. And I found some cork for my Grey Knight bases too! But I think that I am going to shift gears and focus 100% on my friend's Deathwing army. I'd like to get them done quick and play a few games before giving them back. Memorial Day weekend is my next free hobby weekend, so I am rushing to get them done. Sadly, it seems impossible.

As for my GK, I have decided on my list and how I am going to use most of the units. I'm keeping the daemon blade inquisitor and just giving him some servo skulls to help with deep strike pressure. I plan to combat squad one unit of terminators to have 2 incinerators deep strike in tandem with the dreadknight with heavy incinerator. Psychic communion and the servo skulls on the inquisitor should add a little stability to pull it off. I have also replaced the dakka stormraven for a landraider crusader. In it I will put the other half of the combat squaded termies with justicar attached to the inquisitor. They can also be switched out for the strike squad if I think I'll be facing a helldrake. The basic strategy is to present a tough core with some incoming reserves to hit my opponent where it will hurt the most. The melta/lascannon stormraven will hunt fliers, and the incinerators will torch units hiding.

Now, the daemon blade... It doesn't look too good on paper, but I did a few practice rolls and was very surprised at how nasty it can get. I think I'll surprise opponents with the brutality the inquisitor could potentially dish out. Now I know I should drop the daemon blade and use an ordo xenos and psykotroke. But I guarantee I'll get enough shit for playing GK as it is. I want a unique army that I can call mine. So that means I will choose some of the fun wargear over the competitive.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Terminators built

I've had some good progress on my Grey knights and a project for a friend. I'm touching up and re-basing a counts-as Deathwing army and squeezing in some work on my own. The entire Grey Knight force I'm putting together is composed of repurposed models from armies I've purchased from people. So far 20 terminators are ready for paint. Next is 10 strike marines, an inquisitor, and a dreadknight. As it turns out, the bits I got for the inquisitor was one of the last orders from Spikey Bits before they had to stop with the bits trade. The dreadknight is going to be the most work out of all the units. I am completely re-posing the model to lunge forward and for it's heavy incinerator. Every joint is getting cut and moved. The pilot will be the biggest challenge. I won't be able to mount his legs to the legs of the dreadknight in the same way. I think this is why the model is notorious for it's single pose. The legs just don't work with how it's designed.

The problem I'm having with my inquisitor is the wargear load out. My hope was that the daemon blade, combined with warlord traits, and psychic powers would lend versatility between games. Sadly, any mastery levels added by the daemon blade won't lend any more powers. So potentially an inquisitor with two blades can become a level 3 psycher....who only has one power... Not that useful. I still plan to go with power armor, daemon blade, and mastery level 1. Only one power, but the versatility is still there to some extent. Probably the most enticing is the model only costs 78 points. Once I get more models ready for paint, I'll finalize my list and how I'm going to use it.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

GK progress

While working on some stuff for friends, I have squeezed in some work on my Grey Knights. I came up with a list that I want to build with a core that won't change too much as I playtest it. So far I am just about done stripping and fixing up 20 terminators. I still have 10 strike squad marines to go and my troops will be ready to hit the table for some games. I have the bitz for my inquisitor ordered from Spikey Bitz. As it turns out, I actually met Spikey Bits Rob at adepticon and didn't know it. Anyway, my storm ravens will need a little work before I can begin to paint them. And lastly I have the dreadknight stripped, cut apart, and ready for a good cleaning before I even begin to pose it. People have said the model is very static and unable to change it's pose. I take that as a challenge and will make it a centerpiece in my army.

Here's my 1850 list so far.

-Malleus Inq. With power armor, daemon blade, brain mines, and psycher lvl1

-10 termies with 2 psycannons, psybolt ammo, and a mix of swords/halberd/hammers(2)
-10 termies with 2 incinerators, psybolt ammo, and a mix of sword/halberds/hammers(2)
-10 strike squad with 2 psycannons and psybolt ammo

-storm raven with multi melta and lascannon
-storm raven with heavy bolter, assault cannon, hurricane sponsons, and psybolt ammo

-Dreadknight with heavy incinerator

I may switch the inquisitor to xenos to get psykotroke grenades. As the daemon blade will add to the mastery level, but I don't think it will give him a second power from the brb. I need to get playing though. My goal for 6th is to kick up my competitive gaming and play an army uniquely mine.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Well, I've been lazy on the hobby front. Adepticon has come and gone, and I've gotten some great progress with my roleplaying groups.

Roleplaying-wise....Dead Reign was a total bust. Only a few friends could make it. And all but one of them had to cancel or got other plans at the last minute. No big deal, I ended up playing video games and drinking beer with a good friend.
Rifts is going great now. The last game session was a lot of fun. I feel like I'm almost back to my old form. The game is fun and relaxing. Storyline has begun to pick up and I think it's engaging the players.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay has been fantastic whenever the group has been able to meet. We've lost a player, and adepticon has gotten in the way recently. But there's a good chance 2 new players may begin to show up.

Wargaming-wise...I have a half painted SAGA warband. And I picked up about $600 of grey knights for $300. While assembled and painted a little, I don't mind. I also picked up two boxes of grey knight termies on spruce for $50. One is missing the daemon hammers, but it was still a steal. The next step is to strip and model an 1850 list.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

WFRP, Rifts, and Dead Reign.

I think roleplaying has begun to pick up. I've got three games I'm preparing for.

Rifts: The first session has gone according to plan. I have set up the beginning of the campaign and introduced one of the influential NPCs. Hopefully personal character contacts can be established. There's a ton of work to be done yet in the planning department. I have yet to get two book I will need, the black market sourcebook and the Arzno sourcebook. According to the route I believe the players will plot through the post-apocalypse west, they will pass through Arzno. A city that had been besieged by vampires in recent game history. So it may be good to at least flip through the book.

Dead Reign: I've got all the books in the mail and have almost finished with the core book. The game is much more frightening and brutal than I had expected. I will not be playing it as is. Changes will be made to make it a more generic zombie survival horror. There are some zombie types and other elements that I believe detract from shorter games. It'll only be a two night affair, so I'm probably going to go with a sort of scripted series of events. I'm thinking about using "boss zombies" at the end of each day. Like how the Resident Evil games do the climax.

WFRP: I've been reading the core book and finding all the things That made me like this game so much. The game system is just well put together. And the theme is uniquely ingrained in the game world and how the mechanics work. I'll be playing with new players and I'm not sure just how much they know or expect from a roleplaying game. It should be easy to adapt WFRP to an easy-going playstyle or for greater depth.

Anyway...I'm done writing.

Friday, February 1, 2013

And now I am a Rifts game master

My currently roleplaying group has been playing Rifts with a rotating GM for a little over a year now. I was due to take over next and have been creating a storyline while I waited. As it turns out, our current GM has been running a few other games and is developing a little writer's block. So now I am to take over with but a week before my first session. It took only hours after learning this before I came up with an adventure for my first session to introduce NPCs and make contacts for the players.

Now, none of the things I do will be a stand alone adventure. They will all introduce contacts and villains tied into the main plot and character subplots of the campaign developed. I believe there should be more going on in the game than just the core story. Each character has a story of their own. A personal saga of hopes, dreams, and goals unattainable. Exploring this and linking it to other characters and the main plot will only enrich the roleplaying experience of each player. Of course, care and caution must be taken when crafting a storyline for another player. It must be personalized and within the realm of possibility within the game.

I am not going to post specifics of the game here for the possibility of a player stumbling across the information. I have already stopped telling them which books I am reading or currently looking to buy. I like open conversation between players and game masters, but I have found players get the most enjoyment out of witnessing the story as it unfolds. What I will post is what techniques I use and any rules alterations the I find work well.

My first player related priority is a character who can walk through walls and take control of computers with his mind. Rather than limit the player, I need to understand exactly how the character works to best figure out how it will interact with the environment. I don't pick on players or try to limit their creativity. Everyone comes away with something different when roleplaying. It is my job to allow them to enjoy the character they like without turning it into something they don't want. The game of Rifts is built to allow maximum flexibility. And to limit any of that just seems like a shame.

The first gaming technique I think I will introduce is the use of the "secret note". Players can slip me a note when their character is doing something they don't want anyone to know about. Not only do the other characters not know about the actions, but the note makes sure other players don't know either. I believe it creates some sense of mystery and suspense without forcing players to try and play their character like they didn't know another character just stole from them. Let's face it, the only way not to use out of game knowledge is to not have it at all.

Monday, January 21, 2013


Haven't had much significant hobby progress. Didn't play my last tournament because of the flu, and signed up for another that I don't plan to attend. I do have my to-do list for the Adepticon team tourney though. I have had only two non-tournament games of 6th edition. I have none of the confidence I had while playing 5th. And every tournament has pressure to get models painted in time. Basically, I haven't enjoyed playing or painting in quite a while. A hobby is supposed to be fun and relaxing. That probably explains why I've been spending much more time with tabletop roleplaying games and video games. And since this is pretty much my geeky hobby diary, I will post about that crap.

Roleplaying....I was doing this well before wargaming entered my life. I am usually the game master and have developed my style over the years. Just the act of presenting a story you have created to a group of players with unique characters is a challenge. It took me several years to learn how to do it well. I have read about the subject and borrow storytelling techniques from several games over the years. I can talk for hours on the subject, but much of that won't find a place here. This will simply be a place to post what I am currently doing and working on.