Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 16th tourney done!

Well, the tournament went well.  I came out middle of the pack in overall points.  Although I didn't play as hard as I could have in the last round.   I was pretty sloppy on strategy and just playing for fun.  I tied for best painted with two other players, so with the cost of lunch and the tourney I probably came out $5 ahead!  Here's a copy of my list...
I focused on the unique characters as I played, for more of a Space Wolf theme.

1st round- Ultramarines!
Pretty standard list, Vulcan and termies in a land raider were the big targets.  The scenario had 3 objective in a no-man's-land.  Driving fast or running caused dangerous terrain in no-man's-land, just to spice up the game.  And one of the three objectives would be worth twice as much, determined randomly at the beginning of the 5th round.  We tied, but I had a bit more battle points.  I had all three objectives until the end, That's when Vulcan finally decided to show up with a unit of marines and kick my already bloody grey hunters off of an objective.  And it would only make sense that the objective they took turned out to be worth twice as much.
-Bjorn: Hung around the middle of the board, then took out a unit of terminators as they deep struck in.
-Arjac: Droped in and failed to hit with his hammer.  The combi meltas also failed to do anything to the land raider.  But they took no casualties and went on to claim that raider, a vindicator, a razorback, and a combat squad as the game went on.
-Lukas: Stayed in the middle of the board and ended up claiming the center objective.  Nothing flashy, just worked toward winning.

2nd round Blood Angels!
Razordback list with Mephiston.  5 objectives, pretty simple scenario, dawn of war deployment...hell on my longfangs.  I won but we tied on battle points.  By first turn it looked grim, but almost everything turned out for me in my third shooting phase.
-Bjorn: Imobilized right away, took a lot of firepower.  Ended up destroyed, but close enough to another objective that I could claim two with the same unit.
-Arjac: Showed up and killed a land raider...then got taken out my furious charging, FNP termies.(Mephiston too)
-Lukas: Sacrificed his whole unit to get close to Mephiston and stasis bombed him.

3rd round Codex Marines.
Bike captain, two land raiders, termy libby.  Kill points...simple enough, extra points for killing marked HQs.  I lost, but got a few points.  I deployed my longfangs terribly, and advanced with my fenrisian wolves for whirlwind fodder.  Neither were good ideas.
-Bjorn: Didn't do much until he moved up to engage the enemy.  Firt lascannon shot blew him up...typical.  He would end up costing me 3 killpoints in the end.
-Arjac:  Droped in and scattered 11 inches back....fisrt roll of the game and it only went downhill from there.  They died without causing a casualy I believe.
-Lukas: Sacrificed his unit to stasis bomb the bike captain, giving me my only battle points.

Overall I like how Arjac played.  I'll probably keep him.  Bjorn was a toss up, probably only play him on special occasions.  And Lukas did well if It wasn't for the fact that I have to sacrifice a 325 point troop choice almost every game...

Here are the finished models I was working on before the tourney.  I stayed up until 5am getting Arjac done.

The next one is July 21st.  2000pts and the last 5th edition tourney.  I'm already signed up and I think I'm going to try and be a bit more competative.  I've got some list changes and some stuff I might need to build....

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