Monday, June 3, 2013

Yeah, dreadknight!

I got a lot done on my dreadknight this week. I've just got to get some hands and a few minor touches before I finally paint it. Still picking at the 5 GK termies that I've been painting as well. Building henchmen, and questioning my choice of grey knights over Eldar with the codex release. One of my goals was to become a better player, and to place better at local tournaments. I have to constantly remind myself that Grey Knights still have the tools to get the job done. It's just going to take me a bit to figure them out. I need to play more...a lot more.

As new codexes arise, I am painfully aware of the threats they bring. The Tau will out shoot me, and the Eldar have a ton of psychic buffs and frightening shruriken weapons. The possibility of bladestorm giving AP2 can ruin my terminator core of troops. There are also the flyer lists, the pure assault lists, and blob squads to contend with. Finding something to handle all of these elements means that I have to keep an open mind. I may have to drop more beloved terminators from my list. And I know I will have to build more henchmen. As it stands, I am bringing back the servitor idea. As a replacement for the dreadnought, I'll playtest a dedicated unit for Coteaz. 3 multi-melta servitors, a Jokaero, and 7 warriors with 3 plasma and 4 bolters cost the same as the dreadnought. The unit will be scoring, and they will be a place for Coteaz to fit into. Otherwise, the guy really doesn't have a dedicated place. The crutch is that mind lock will limit their ability without him.

I am also entertaining the idea of adding purifiers. I'd have to drop the psycannon termies though. And probably cut back on the points I have spent on the landraider crusader. I enjoyed playing Necron when they were underpowered and old. So I believe I can enjoy GK, especially with allies. What really bugs me is that the army will still be called "cheesy". When I first played Space Wolves they were called "cheese-wolves". It pissed me off. True, I had thunderwolves. But I spent a lot of time and money on the models and they were a fun project. I also used expensive characters and didn't spam any units. The same guy played a Draigo wing against me the next month. The point is that in tournament play, there is no place for complaining like that. You can lament about missed opportunities because of mistakes or in-lucky dice. But to assume that people aren't going to try everything within the rules to win is absurd. If I wasn't afraid of losing sportsmanship points, I'd bring this topic up to opponents at tournaments. But even when friendly and logical, people don't like to be told that their view is biased. Either way, I'm in it with Grey Knights, and I will show no mercy on the tabletop...not I just have to start playing and winning.

On a side-note. I've got a 2-day work week then 5 days off. I'll be spending the time with my daughter, but she lets me hobby much of the day. I'm looking forward to getting a lot of work done.

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